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NeXT TypedStream Data  |  1994-03-01  |  14KB  |  232 lines

  1. typedstream
  2. IBObjectData
  3. Object
  4. CustomObject
  5. GlobalPanel
  6. MenuTemplate
  7. *@*@ccc
  8. OtherViews
  9. Matrix
  10. Control
  11.     Responder
  12. @:@iiii
  13. MenuCell
  14. ButtonCell
  15. ActionCell
  16.     Helvetica
  17. Single
  18. Double
  19. ff@@#::s
  20.     PopUpList
  21. Button
  22. [10@]
  23. Auto Recalc
  24. NXImage
  25. NXswitch
  26.     NXswitchH
  27.     Debug Off
  28. Stop on Error
  29. Stop on Circ.
  30. popUp:
  31. NXpopup
  32. Run Macros
  33. NXpopupH
  34. Trace Macros
  35. Step Macros
  36. Recalc/Debug
  37. Helvetica-Bold
  38. NXradio
  39. NXradioH
  40. Right
  41. Center
  42. Smart
  43. Radio
  44. Bottom
  45.     Alignment
  46. CSlider
  47. Slider
  48. SliderCell
  49. dddf@d@
  50. TextFieldCell
  51.     TextField
  52.     Cell Size
  53. CustomView
  54. FontWell
  55. Fonts
  56.     Underline
  57. Background
  58. DPColorWell
  59. NXColorWell
  60. Color
  61. Enable Protection
  62. Show In Special Color
  63. Skip Protected Cells
  64. Protection
  65. General
  66. [18@]
  67. Fixed Decimal
  68. Scientific
  69. Currency
  70. Comma
  71. Chart
  72. Percent
  73. Hidden
  74. D-M-Year
  75.     Day-Month
  76. Month-Year
  77. Date-HMS
  78. Date-HM
  79. Date-Intl1
  80. Date-Intl2
  81. Time-Intl1
  82. Time-Intl2
  83. DigitSlider
  84.     DigitCell
  85. Incrementor
  86. SleftIncrementor
  87. NXBitmapImageRep
  88. NXImageRep
  89. iisssss
  90. [42c]
  91. SrightIncrementor
  92.     Hide Zero
  93. Display Format
  94. Width:
  95. Height:
  96. Sheet Dimensions
  97. Clear
  98. Border
  99. Title
  100. Recalc
  101. Define Templates
  102. Dimensions
  103. Format
  104. WindowTemplate
  105. iiii***@s@
  106. Sheet Inspector
  107. Panel
  108. DPPanel
  109. Field18
  110. Button38
  111. Button18
  112. Box28
  113. File's Owner8
  114. Field28
  115. Matrix18x
  116. Box18
  117. CSlider18
  118. Button28
  119. Switch8
  120. Field8
  121. Field98
  122. Field108
  123. Button48
  124. Define Base Style
  125. [130@]
  126. IBOutletConnector
  127. IBConnector
  128.     gridCheck
  129. horText
  130. vertText
  131. IBControlConnector
  132. changeGrid:
  133. recalcSwitch
  134. changeRecalc:
  135. displayFormatPopUp
  136. changeDisplayFormat:
  137. myBorder
  138. myLeftButton
  139. myTopButton
  140. myRightButton
  141. changeBorder:
  142. changeLeftButton:
  143. changeTopButton:
  144. changeBottomButton:
  145. changeRightButton:
  146. myBottomButton
  147. fontWell
  148. changeFont:
  149. globalProt
  150. changeProt:
  151. changeSpecialProtColor:
  152. specialProtColor
  153. debugSwitch
  154. changeDebug:
  155. stepSwitch
  156. changeStepMacro:
  157. fontPanel:
  158. skipSwitch
  159. changeSkip:
  160. changePrec:
  161. precText
  162. precSlider
  163. window
  164. delegate
  165. changeCellView:
  166. cellView
  167.     gridStuff
  168. dimensionStuff
  169. protectionStuff
  170. recalcStuff
  171.     sizeStuff
  172. alignmentStuff
  173. borderStuff
  174. displayStuff
  175.     fontStuff
  176. theFormatSelector
  177. changeFormatSelector:
  178. baseStyleView
  179. baseStyleHolder
  180. sizeHiChange:
  181. sizeWidChange:
  182.     vertSlide
  183. horSlide
  184. cellFill
  185. changeCellFill:
  186. myAlignment
  187. changeAlignment:
  188. bkgCheck
  189. changeClearBkg:
  190. myBaseline
  191. changeBaseline:
  192. changeBorderColor:
  193. myBorderColor
  194. changeGridColor:
  195. changeBkgColor:
  196. bkgColor
  197.     gridColor
  198. changeProtColor:
  199.     protColor
  200. changeCellFillColor:
  201. changeTextColor:
  202. changeAltColor:
  203. cellFillColor
  204. myAltColor
  205. myTextColor
  206. changeHideZero:
  207. hideZero
  208. mouseUpTarget
  209. takeIntValueFrom:
  210. thingAtEnd
  211. decrement:
  212. increment:
  213. nextText
  214. changeNumCols:
  215. changeNumRows:
  216. numColsPopUp
  217. numRowsPopUp
  218. underlineThing
  219. changeUnderline:
  220. changeHor:
  221. changeVert:
  222. colorStuff
  223. IBHelpConnector
  224. Inspectors/Sheet.rtfd
  225. dimensions
  226. recalculation
  227. grid:worksheet
  228. protection
  229. resizing cells
  230. Inspectors/CellStyle.rtfd
  231. style templates